So I was sitting around pondering life (a.k.a. ignoring my
deadlines), and it struck me that I am probably going to die alone and
surrounded by 20 scraggly cats. It’s okay; I’ve made my peace with it. At least
I can start stocking up on canned cat food early.
Because here’s the thing. You people out there in the “real”
world? You scare the hell out of me. Every year that passes only reinforces my
reluctance to participate in “real” life. Have you seen the wars out there? The
violence and hatred? The absolute and blatant hypocrisy of our governments and
religions? Even on a smaller scale, the way we speak to each other and treat
each other and judge each other is downright terrifying. What the hell is it
all for?
Say you have an opinion. Let’s make it an easy one. Okay,
you believe to the depths of your soul that the color pink is an abomination
against all that is good in the world. There are arguments to support this
belief, and all of it proves beyond doubt that pink as a color is wrong. Yay.
You win. Pink is evil.
What does this accomplish, though? First off, anyone who
likes pink now has to either hide their pink-appreciation or choose to pink it
up anyway, knowing that everyone they meet – every person they encounter – will
be silently judging their pinkness. So tensions escalate (as they so often do),
and next thing you know, there is a pink-lovin’ faction that breaks off and
tells the non-pinks that THEY are the heathens. So the non-pinks declare war on
the pro-pinks – strictly for their own good, of course, misguided souls that
they are. Now we have non’s and pro’s all fighting each other, and then someone
finds a gun, and then another person revs up a few tanks and helicopters, and
then the next thing you know, we’re killing each other over pink.
Maybe the pro-pinks win. Maybe the non-pinks win. Either
way, one ideology will emerge victorious. People have died. Families have
fractured. Lives have been torn apart. Over pink.
What has all this really accomplished? Not a damn thing.
Because pink was never really an issue. Pink won’t keep us from achieving new
advances in medicine. Pink won’t influence how our children learn and grow.
Pink won’t prevent us from living, working, loving, praying, or eating. What
has brought those restrictions and that suffering to people’s lives isn’t a
color – it’s the prejudices that our society has built up around that color.
Religion. Sexuality. Gender. Class. Profession. Race. Size.
Hating and killing and tormenting each other over these
things make just as much sense as having a war over the color of Pepto Bismol.
Don’t quote the Bible at me, either. Jesus said the MOST
IMPORTANT thing was to love one another. He didn’t say it was something to
consider when taking a break from Leviticus (which apparently never gets read
unless someone wants to impose their prejudices and they need an excuse). He
said it was the most important thing. Not maybe. So really, don’t call yourself
a Christian and then ignore that. That’s like putting an anti-pink flag on the
front of your Barbie Dream House.
Year after year, we kill each other over religion, over
politics, over money… over the stupidest, most inconsequential labels. Why?
It’s madness.
You know when poverty and homelessness and famine and war
and disease are going to end? Never. Because the only way for us to conquer
those things is by coming together as a species. As a planet. But we’ll never
come together because we’re all so damned determined to prove that we’re right
and the other guy is wrong. We’ve got to prove that our beliefs – our millions
of opinions – are more important than one person’s right to live free and
happy. We will let a rapist go free so that our football team won’t lose the
big game. We will let people kill a man for holding hands with his boyfriend in
public. We will let a Muslim family wake up to hate speech graffitied on their
home. We condone acts of hatred and violence through our silence, and instead
make noise that can only bring MORE hatred. More violence. Because we don’t
really care about making the world a better place. We only care about being
I want the people of the world to stop arguing about pink.
Until it does, I’ll be living like a hermit with my cats, who don’t give a damn
about anything beyond having food and a nice warm spot in which to nap.