I haven’t been blogging lately. I’d love to say it’s because
I’m so busy, but that’s not entirely true. Yes, I’m busy. But I’m also in a bit
of a writing slump – known as “hell” in some writing circles. As a recovering
Catholic, I am still plagued with pointless flutters of guilt from time to
time, so I decided that I should write SOMETHING for my blog, even if it was
It was at that point that I realized that this blog doesn’t
have a topic, so I thought I’d talk about that a bit.
I do not have ADD, ADHD, or any other string of letters, but
I do have a deep-seated love of the random. When I have what my colleagues in
the publishing house call a “squirrel moment,” it isn’t because I’m easily
distracted. It’s because there are so many wonderful random ideas and thoughts
and nuggets of inspiration out there, and I just can’t stand to ignore them
when they pass by. A phantom of an idea can become a whole story arc before you
know what hit you. If you see an elephant walking down Main Street, you can
turn back to what you were doing, or you can stop for a moment and have the
experience. That moment then becomes a story you can share with your friends.
If you never allow yourself to be distracted – if your attention never wavers
from the task at hand – how many stories will you have to share? How many
experiences will you have missed? Before you know it, you’ll be old and
crotchety and won’t have any stories to tell or memories to cherish. That would
So that’s why I’m not going to turn this into an educational
blog on the art of writing. There are a ton of people out there much better
equipped than me to do that. I’ll stick with the rambling randomness. It works
for me.
Anyway… people are annoying. I know I’ve mentioned this
before, but it bears repeating. My nearest and dearest often observe that I
have never really been a big fan of the human race as a species in general. I
would like to explain why that is.
Humans have opposable thumbs, are self-aware, can dream, can
create art and music, and place value in things beyond the basic necessities of
life. We sing and dance; we dream of worlds far different from our own and
bring them to life for others to enjoy; we have a concept of eternity and the
universe. My cats are pretty awesome, but I doubt they’re going to contemplate
anything more complex than their food-and-nap routine any time soon.
We are so fortunate – we can experience our lives in a way
no other species can. And this is why people make me so stone-cold crazy.
Why are we arguing about religion? I’ve heard people laugh
about how Doctor Who always seems to encounter aliens in London, England.
Obviously, that is because it is a British television show. Little British
children might continue to hide behind their sofas because of an alien invasion
happening in Boise, Idaho, but people tend to relate more readily to stories
surrounding what they know – their home turf. It’s now been well-established
that the earth is a microscopic speck in the staggering scope of the universe.
Assuming that the “one true God” only came to our speck and only delivered the “one
true faith” to a select number of people living on that speck is sort of like
believing that romantic comedies predominantly take place in New York City
because only people who live there have embarrassing dating experiences. In
other words, that’s just silly.
Why are we arguing about marriage equality? We’re specks on
a speck. Our galaxy is a speck. Are we really prepared to persecute an entire
group of people who just want to spend their lives together based upon
something a bunch of old dudes wrote? A) The Bible was written by men. B) Those
men were attempting to interpret the Word of God – they weren’t taking
dictation. C) Men often get things wrong. D) Moses didn’t stop for directions,
Why do we worry so much about our outward image? I live in
Ohio. If I see one more suburban kid trying to look “gangsta,” I may choke. My
husband is from Santa Ana, California. If we had the means, I’d rent a big bus
and start shipping these little wanna-be-bads down there. We could leave them
on a street corner at 1:00 a.m. and see how gangsta they really are. And don’t
even get me started on the ladies I tend to refer to as “hoochies.” Don’t tell
me you’re looking for a man to love and respect you when you’re dressed like
you charge by the hour. And trust me – heterosexual men know you have breasts,
even if you don’t shove them in their faces. I see all sorts of people
throughout the day, and I always wonder what they’re trying to prove. Be
yourself, not an image you picked out from a catalog. If you learned to embrace
your true self, then you wouldn’t have to depend on other people to discover
your worth – you’d already know it.
We build houses that are many times larger than what we
need. We buy cars that could seat ten but never do. We happily destroy our
planet and its natural resources because heaven forbid that we be
inconvenienced. We even elect politicians that we KNOW are crooked,
materialistic, egomaniacal asshats because they promise to protect our
completely destructive and irresponsible way of life.
Humans have created opera, sculpture, and film. People like Michelangelo,
Mozart, and Shakespeare showed the incredible beauty that humans are capable of
creating. Even the advances in medical science are astounding – when people
take their knowledge and build it, reaching out for more answers in response to
a need in the world, it is an amazing thing to witness.
But then we also developed guns, bombs, and poison gasses.
We took the words of wise men and turned them into religions, but then used
those religions as a vehicle for hatred.
I don’t know who invented Lycra and polyester, but anyone
involved even peripherally should hang their heads in shame.
The moral of the story is (yes, I do have a point) that I
dislike people because of the choices they make. They put having a fancy car
before helping to feed the poor. They use their imagination to find new ways to
kill rather than new ways to communicate. They constantly devalue themselves
and others, and they are determined to continue to be ignorant. As I said to my
friend yesterday, the mom in me wants to sit them all down and give them a
stern talking to before sending them to their rooms to think about what they’ve
done. But since no one would listen to me even if I did, my only consolation is
that I can still retreat to a world of my own imagining, in which people learn
to overcome the fears that hold them back from being truly great.
Ooh, look! Squirrel!