I have been diligently chewing over an array of ideas for my
next blog post, but I have been unable to commit to one. So we’re going to go
with the theme “Inability to Commit.”
My inability to make a decision and stick with it is the
only reason I haven’t gotten a tattoo. I exercise woman’s prerogative to change
her mind more diligently than I should, and there isn’t an element of life in
existence that I can’t over-think. I can’t even park the car at Target without
calculating exit strategies and traffic patterns and cart return techniques. It’s
a little scary.
I was one of those “cradle novelists” – people so driven to
write that they begin creating stories before they’ve even learned their
alphabet. So why did it take me all these years to finally pursue that drive to
Even when it is, figuratively speaking, “true love” and you
know to the bottom of your soul that it is all that you really want, it is an
incredibly difficult path to choose. Teachers, parents, friends, strangers on
the bus… they will all tell you, “Hey, that’s great that you want to be a
novelist. But it’s really hard to get published, let alone make a living off of
it. You need to figure out what you’re going to do to pay the bills.” They’re
not wrong, exactly, but this advice comes with a very pernicious subliminal message:
writing is a hobby to do in your spare time, not a career.
And so begins the gradual erosion of confidence. The
thinking that you cannot choose to be a professional writer leads to the
conviction that you lack sufficient skill to be one of the hallowed few to
actually become successful authors. This then leads you to the sneaking
suspicion that you are actually a talentless hack.
Next thing you know, you’re working as a paralegal,
proofreading patent applications for toilet seats.
Scary, huh?
If someone had said to me all those years ago, “Hey, maybe
you should just give it a shot before you’ve got kids and a mortgage and all
that,” would I have had the courage to try? I have no way of knowing. Nor do I
even necessarily believe that it would have been the best choice to make. Even
successful authors discourage would-be writers from trying to live off their
writing alone.
What my experiences did prove to me is that if you cannot
make a choice – if you float through life just taking the path of least resistance
– you will never achieve your true goals. At some point, you have to stand up
and say “no” to the people in your life – the family, friends, and coworkers
who push you into things you don’t really want for yourself. You have to stand
in your truth, which means committing to yourself.
It’s a little sad that committing to yourself is harder than
committing to another person. I was 100% more terrified of taking the plunge
and really trying to succeed as an author than I was of walking down the aisle and
pledging to spend the rest of my life with this really cute boy I met at
college. And the commitment is key.
Whether you have a day job or not, you absolutely MUST
commit yourself to your writing if you wish to succeed. You cannot finish a
novel, edit it thoroughly, find an agent and publisher, or self-publish without
that commitment. This is not a hobby like knitting – you can’t set your project
aside until you have a long weekend or a vacation. This is a career that can
coexist with other careers, but it is a career nonetheless. You wouldn’t call
your boss and say, “Hey, I’m not going to work for a couple months because I’ve
just got too much other stuff going on.” To become an author, you have to treat
your writing with the same level of dedication and respect that you would give
to an office job. If your work ethic would get you fired from a traditional
job, then you won’t succeed at writing either.
Set hours for yourself – create deadlines. Commit to your
writing if you want to actually succeed.