30 Days Ago:
- I’d like the mornings better if they happened later in the day. #coffee
28 Days Ago:
- Time for @NaNoWriMo again already? Damn. Bye, social life.
- Someone snuck in my house and stole all my plot bunnies. Bastards.
27 Days Ago:
- The spirit is willing, but the flesh fucked off and went to bed.
- I cannot overestimate exactly how badly I want to go back to bed right now.
26 Days Ago:
- At teh bar, drinking teh beers.
- This week is not going according to plan. So it’s a typical week. At least I found my socks.
25 Days Ago:
- How am I pushing my #NaNoWriMo word count forward? Karaoke night, of course! #procrastination
24 Days Ago:
- Need to write my #NaNoWriMo novel. Still. Damn it.
23 Days Ago:
- Theoretically writing. Really pondering doughnuts. About 6,000 words behind schedule. But doughnuts are soooo yummy… #NaNoWriMo
- Slowly going mad. Seeing word counts in my dreams. #NaNoWriMo
- Brain is moosh. #NaNoWriMo Also, kinda hate @KalebNation a little bit right now. #overachieverssuck
- Computer is either possessed by Satan or rebelling against the injustice of #NaNoWriMo
- Someone please take me out for coffee and lie to me about how talented I am. #NaNoWriMo meltdown
- I have misplaced my motivation. And one sock. #NaNoWriMo
- It’s really hard to make microfiche research sound exciting. #NaNoWordSprints
- Totally blocked. Going for some Drano and a plunger. #NaNoWriMo
22 Days Ago:
- #NaNoWriMo is making me make bad choices. Backing away from the computer slowly before someone gets hurt.
- Oh, the fuckery today!
21 Days Ago:
- As I continue to age, I wonder when that maturity thing is supposed to happen.
19 Days Ago:
- It’s effing freezing & I’m trying to convince myself to take a shower. But ZOMG it’s effing FREEZING!!!
18 Days Ago:
- At the dentist. #PartyLikeIts1999
- Long for freedom? Start with less restrictive underwear and work your way up.
16 Days Ago:
- My youngest has decided to celebrate his birthday by pushing his luck. Hard.
15 Days Ago:
- Impending madness?!? Where?? I don’t see anything! #TwitchyWriter
14 Days Ago:
- @NaNoWriMo Where are my accurate stats? How can I obsessively update without the right stats?!? #goestowritebadbeatpoetry
12 Days Ago:
- I am completely slap-happy, and I now have to go to a church meeting & act well-adjusted. #NotGonnaEndWell
- My youngest is driving me completely insane this morning. #TwitchyWriter
9 Days Ago:
- Whither thou goest, there thou art. #NaNoWriMo and crazy…
- I wouldn’t mind Monday so much if it didn’t start so bloody early. #SleepDeprived #NaNoWriMo hangover
- ZOMG!!! @100MonkeysMusic makes nutso offspring mellow! Who knew? #PutsOnEndlessLoop
5 Days Ago:
- “Let’s drive to New York.” “Now?” “Sure!” … “Oh, why the hell not. Let’s go.” Yay!!!” #roadtrip
- Black Friday will be used for research. And groceries. #NotEnoughCoffeeInTheWorld
- Debating technique for interviewing police. Liberal use of the word “Sir” a big part of the plan.
- Settling in for a writing binge. #caffeine #NaNoWriMo
- Looks like the world’s gone mad. Good thing I was already there. #NaNoWriMo #InsaneAuthor
4 Days Ago:
- At this point, zombie ninja squirrels would really help to liven up my evening. #NaNoWriMo means #NoLife
- Sing to me, @samueltwitt1, while I create people out of air and intuition.
- I should have gone with the squirrel idea. #NaNoWriMo
- Sleep deprivation. Nonstop caffeine consumption. Talking to self. Swearing at computer. Must be #NaNoWriMo
- Tried lying back & thinking of England. Didn’t help. #NaNoWriMo
- Too early. I’ve lost that loving feeling. #NotEnoughCoffeeInTheWorld
3 Days Ago:
- Back home. #naptime
2 Days Ago:
- Experimenting with how much I can write before I go stark raving mad. Oops. Loo late. #NaNoWriMo
- Zero sleep. 10,000 words left to go. @samueltwitt1 @100MonkeysMusic keeping me awake. #NaNoWriMo #NotEnoughCoffeeInTheWorld
- Singing my children awake for a change of pace. #NotEnoughCoffeeInTheWorld
- Looking back at my sanity with a deep feeling of nostalgia. #NaNoWriMo
1 Day Ago:
- Have decided to work the phrase “snickerdoodle mambo” into my novel somehow. #NaNoWriMo #NotEnoughCoffeeInTheWorld
- Beating the hell out of my protagonist. #MustBeTuesday
- Won. Woo. Going to sleep now. Bigger Woo. #NaNoWriMo